Friday, May 30, 2014

God hates Fats!

The following is written with a healthy bit of snark and sarcasm. Read it in your best Bapticostal preaching voice!

We have a crisis in our society, and in our churches! Fat people, with their fat agenda, have infiltrated all aspects of our lives. They are in the movies, television, online, in the papers, having fat pride parades, and challenging us to stop "fat shaming" them. Let's get this clear, God hates fats. There, I said it, it's in the Bible. Don't believe me? He wants them dead and we are not to associate with them, I have proof.

Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.

Philippians 3:19 - Whose end [is] destruction, whose God [is their] belly, and [whose] glory [is] in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Proverbs 23:20-21 - Be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

Numbers 11:33 - And while the flesh [was] yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the wrath of the LORD was kindled against the people, and the LORD smote the people with a very great plague.

One of the worst parts of this, these fats are not just in our churches, they are leading churches! All over this great God-Fearing land, they mock us with their sins, while daring to point out any small faults we may have! 

Rev. Charles "Chuck" Dewease, pastor of the First Pentecostal Church of Youngston, is not ashamed to tell anyone his weight."I'm a little over 415 pounds and proud of it."

He says.About ten years ago while reading the book of 1 Timothy, Dewease came under "intense conviction" when he read 1 Timothy 4:8a which says, "For bodily exercise profiteth little." Since that day Dewease has made it a point to avoid any and all manner of exercise, intentionally gaining a tremendous amount of weight to show his "conviction."

"I've never been what you might call a 'small man.'" Said Dewease. "But ten years ago my life changed. It was a liberating and freeing experience when I read that verse in 1 Timothy. I never much cared for diet and exercise, but when I read those words my heart just leaped for joy! I knew that I didn't have to worry about it anymore."

At least Rick Warren is attempting to pray the fat away unlike the slobo above, because that ALWAYS works. I pray that he finds his way back to the fold and repents publicly, forsaking all cookies, chips, cokes, and cake for the rest of his life. I'm sure he will find out that rice cakes are so much tastier and are what God ordained for him to join to his mouth.

Here's a prime example of how praying the fat away works:

TD Jakes, 1997

TD Jakes, February 2013 with his svelte self and his waif-like wife. See how that worked? Pray the fat away, fats don't have any sort of proclivity for gaining weight and fats can control their appetite with Jesus alone!

I don't know who this guy is but he's fat, and he's preaching, so I hate him as we all should if we are Godly people. I bet God will strike him down with a plague, a food caused plague just like He said he would in Numbers 11. I bet he has HDL, all fats have HDL and LDL, he might even have full blown arteriosclerosis. So if you go to his church, don't touch him or get too near, he might infect you.

Here is Pastor John Hagee, spreading his fats lifestyle as normal while trying to distract us with "blood moon" prophecies. Don't be deceived, his being fat is the worse sin. False prophets are never mentioned in the Bible!

Some of the fats are widely accepted and the absolute worst thing anyone can say about any of them has nothing to do with character flaws or theological falsehoods. Nope, it's the fact that they are fat and don't hide it. They shove their fatness in our faces! The fact that some even make excuses like they have a biological proclivity to be fat, that it runs in their family. Fat isn't biological, it's a choice! This is a sin issue, no one has any health issues that cause obesity. No one has a busy life that prevents exercise or any injuries that make exercise impossible. No one's metabolism changes when they get older or have children. Those are lies brought on by the left wing minority.They'll confuse the issue and try to show you studies on thyroids, changing metabolisms, and other made up disorders, even show some research with a supposed "fat gene". They may say that attending church makes you more likely to be obese. Don't read these studies, don't believe the "junk science" and medical professionals. 

It's time to picket these fats.Why I'm getting all filled with the spirit just thinking of purchasing permanent markers and poster boards! I'll get to publicly humiliate myself by holding my poster in front of a krispy kreme den of sin while the fats and closet fats make their way in. God will be so pleased with me! I'll get into heaven, those fats won't! Death to slobos!

 It's time to remove them from positions of power and shun them. Do not allow them to partake of communion, that is a holy sacrament and involves food. You'd just be enabling their behaviour and condoning their sin. And for goodness sakes no more brownies at pot lucks and church fellowships!

It's time to make sure that they don't marry and make other fats when they adopt them or make them themselves. It's time to keep them away from our children so that they don't make them into fats as well. You know that they do that, right? They spread the fat. Don't believe me? They are targeting our children, here's absolute proof, but beware it is not for the faint of heart.

If that's not an abomination I don't know what is.

I have found a potential answer though, in addition to lots of prayer and sending fats away to fat camps to reprogram them into thinking thin.

Two words.

Gay Men

Gay men are apparently more likely to be thin, so we need more of them in the church. It's time to do more active recruiting of gay men for our churches! However, we have to watch out for the lesbians, according to that study they are more likely to be fat, but maybe we can help them to pray away the fat once we get this problem under control in our heterosexual church population. Thank God for gay men!

I will close with this. Above all, God hates fats, and you should too, otherwise you could burn in hell with the slobos.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

boys are not m & m's,,,

This was posted earlier today by a friend of mine on Facebook. I'm not a fan of this analogy. I'm not a fan of analogies as a whole, but particularly ones which make boys or girls think less of themselves or question their worth. It's a type of profiling and is utterly wrong.

I understand letting girls know the statistics about violence against women and males being the primary perpetrators. I will let my daughter know this, and will teach her how to be careful and how to weed out those people who are not worth her time as best as I can. I will teach her that her body is her own and no one is allowed to touch it or tell her what to do with it without her express consent. I will tell her that if she is ever hurt by anyone, male or female, that she should not be ashamed and should report it immediately to the authorities and feel free to talk to anyone in the family about it as much as she needs to.

Awareness is good, painting all men as potential monsters is not. The best thing is teaching our boys how to treat other people with kindness and respect. As parents we should be respectful and loving to our boys, ever striving to be as gentle and wise with them as we are able to be. Teach and model integrity. It's in short supply in this world and is needed more than ever. 

Our boys are the key to ending domestic violence, abuse against women and other men, and rape. Being male, in and of itself, is not the issue. I have faith in my young men that they can be part of the solution, not the problem.

I am the proud mother of five boys. My oldest is now 19, my youngest son is 12. They are not m & m's. They are not monsters. And when they go out on dates I expect them to treat their dates with respect and to understand that women are right to have some trepidation in trusting them blindly. All people need to earn the right to be trusted, whether they are male or female. And, all people should be given the benefit of assuming the best about them, not the worst until proven otherwise. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

re-victimization of survivors in the church, the real deadly sin?

Whether you are a Christian or not, you are probably familiar with the seven deadly sins. This is a Catholic set of tenants, not a protestant one, however, even in protestant circles, these have been adopted as the "worst" sins. Here are the seven deadly sins,in case you have been living under a rock and have no knowledge of them:

  1. Pride
  2. Envy
  3. Gluttony
  4. Lust
  5. Anger
  6. Greed
  7. Sloth
Sloth used to be listed as sadness until the seventeenth century. It's good to note that this list of seven deadly sins is man made, by one greek monk's interpretation of what were the worst sins, and then refined by a pope according to how offensive these sins were to the perceived opposite, love. These are not Biblical. There is nothing wrong with being sad, and I'm going to just put it out there that there is nothing wrong with anger. The Bible calls us to be slow to anger, and to be angry and sin not. It does not say that anger in and of itself, is sin. Other than that, yes the other deadly sins are in fact, sins.

So what does God truly despise? Did He make a list if the one provided by the Catholic church isn't applicable? Yes in fact, there is such a list! From Proverbs chapter six, we find the list. 
16 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,and hands that shed innocent blood,18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,19 a false witness who breathes out lies,and one who sows discord among brothers.

Depending on which translation you read of the Bible, the implication is that the last one, a liar who stirs up discord among brothers (or the community in some translations) is the one that is an abomination to Him. Now the word abomination is problematic in and of itself as in the Bible there are things like shellfish which are described as abominations but we today don't view our crab cakes as anything but yummy. So, putting dietary restrictions aside, when we are talking about characteristics, I think this list is pretty timeless.

So what does this have to do with re-victimization of survivors within the church? Unfortunately, the headlines these days are littered with more and more accusations of impropriety within the church, both protestant and Catholic. I recall how haughty some Christians within the protestant community were when the accusations were first lobbed against Catholicism and it's abysmal treatment of abuse survivors. There was almost a giddy excitement of this ancient institution falling apart from within as the lies, cover ups, and re-victimization of survivors was revealed. There was the same old drawing of the "us against them" lines where they saw their churches as somehow morally superior. 

Well, they weren't. They aren't. I knew this line of thinking was wrong, being an abuse survivor myself, and having first hand experience of how the protestant church, specifically the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, took care of survivors of abuse, sexual and otherwise. The truth is, they didn't take care of them, they were, and are, just as guilty of sowing discord among the brethren, as the Catholic church is. Haughty eyes, are eyes that are filled with arrogance, a "look at me I am so much better than you" attitude. This is prevalent within churches. I remember as a child that there were only certain churches that we were allowed to associate with, the others were seen as less godly or more worldly and we were better than them because of our legalism and differing beliefs. 

Then we have a "lying tongue". As a survivor, I was encouraged by my pastor to stay quiet about my abuse, and his failure to report my abuse is also a form of lying. In the church we have sins of commission, and sins of omission. Both sins are sins, whether you did it with the intention to sin, or did it by doing nothing and allowing hurt to continue, you are sinning.

Hands that shed innocent blood. Obviously, anyone who hurts someone to the point of bleeding or death is an awful person. Some wounds though, don't bleed blood. They bleed hurt, anger, depression, anxiety, and unresolved trauma. Both wounds are the shedding of innocence and should be held in the same moral realm of horror. If a church is made aware of a child being abused or who has a history of abuse, and they don't attempt to help, or do their best to minimize and sweep it under the rug, they are just as culpable, and have heaped further shame, distrust and fear onto the victim.

A heart that devises wicked plans. Anyone who grooms a child to be sexually abused is a person who has a heart that devises wicked plans. A church that stands behind the abuser or who doesn't reveal them and report them to authorities has conspired with them to continue the abuse.

Feet that make haste to run to evil. This one goes with the above, someone who quickly runs to evil doings. You probably know someone like this, no matter what, they always seem to be in trouble, doing one awful thing after another. An abuser is also like this, seizing every possible opportunity and making opportunities to make abuse happen.

A false witness who breathes out lies. An abuser, and the church that protects him/her is exactly that. I can't tell you how many times I was told to "get over it" or had my experience minimized by other well meaning but very mistaken people within the church. I was sexually abused for three years by a man who was a pillar of the community and a former deacon at our church. This is not a minor thing, and it is a lie to say that it was. Again, the fact that this man was not called out on his sins is protecting the liar, the abuser, who was pretending to be a Godly man.

One who sows discord among brothers. In the church, we refer to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. My aim here in this blog, is not to sow discord, but to reveal truths. Transparency in the church is necessary for growth and for sowing unity among brothers. By covering up sins of abusers, of pastors, of church workers, of volunteers, or members, the church sows discord. It makes survivors become victims again and alienates them from the love and support of their church family. Is it any wonder that so many leave the church and lose their faith after this happens to them?

I leave you with this: 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Does your church show love to survivors, does it work tirelessly to restore them, to  help bring them to a place of healing, despite the anger, hurt, and shame that they feel? Or do they marginalize, belittle, and lie about them and their experiences? Re-victimization, by spiritually and emotionally abusing and manipulating them is the real deadly sin because it causes all of the other hated sins to occur by default.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Let's get technical...

I have a new book on my list to buy and read from Hayley Dimarco, called Technical Virgin, How far is too far? Not because I expect to like the book or even agree with most of it, but because of a recent broadcast that featured the author on Family Life Today. a-new-standard-or-an-old-sin And now, like a person who sees a train barreling down the tracks at a stuck vehicle, I must read it. 

I listen to Family Life today fairly regularly. On the whole, I enjoy their broadcasts. Although there are things that are sometimes said that make me cringe inwardly and trigger my inner fundy, I tend to enjoy their programs when they are talking about blending step families, strengthening your marriage, dealing with different phases of parenting, etc. Whenever I'm out for homevisits to Amish country in particular I listen to the program because it's a lot of driving around and I like the distraction.

However, this broadcast was a doozy. A misinformative, toddler shaming (why is that a thing?!), rape culture promoting mess of a broadcast. 

So firstly, let's examine the presenter Hayley DiMarco, from her website, 

Hayley DiMarco  is the best-selling author of more than thirty books, including DateableMarriable, Mean Girls, Sexy Girls, God Girl and The Woman of Mystery. She spent the early part of her career working for a little shoe company called Nike in Portland, Oregon and Thomas Nelson Publishers in Nashville, Tennessee.
In 2002 Hayley left Nelson and founded Hungry Planet, a company intensely focused on feeding the world’s appetite for truth by producing books and new media, taking on issues of faith and life with a distinctly modern voice.  Shortly after founding Hungry Planet, Hayley successfully completed a nationwide executive search for someone to run the company so she could focus on writing. She describes her husband, Michael, as her most successful business acquisition!
Hayley has been a featured guest speaker for such large events as Women of Faith, Precept National Women’s Convention, and MOPS Intl. Leadership Convention among others. She has also consulted on the creation and enhancement of some of the largest stadium events tuned to teens and young women in North America.
Does it bother anyone else that she describes her husband as a business acquisition? 

In the broadcast, Hayley reveals that she has one daughter who is eleven months old. And yet, we are to take her as some sort of expert in parenting teens and sexuality of teens. I don't see in her description on her website any sort of background in childhood behaviour or teaching or....or anything really other than working for nike, working for a publishing company, and being an author.The only expertise that she has is the fact that she is a woman. I'm not dismissive of this fact, just that it is her only qualification. But perhaps her husband is an expert in the field? Maybe he is a pediatrician? A pschologist? Social worker? Youth Minister? Teacher? Sadly, but not surprisingly, no. 

Michael's background includes a degree in mass communication, hosting talk radio, coaching volleyball at the university level, working in digital publishing at the largest Bible software company in the world, and stints as a marketing and creative strategist for international organizations and ministries.  He is general manager of Hungry Planet, a publishing company founded by his wife, Hayley, that works with fresh authors who want to reach an increasingly postmodern culture with premodern truth.
Hayley and Michael are married, and live with their daughter, Addison, on the shores of Old Hickory Lake just outside of Nashville, Tennessee.

So we have two non experts, with no life experience raising teens, telling us how to approach teen sexuality. That sounds...great?

I knew I was in for a doozy of misinformation when the broadcast opened up with this quote from the show: 

Bob: For years, teenagers, who have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, have been asking the 
question: “So how far can I go? What does the Bible say about how far I can go?” 
Hayley DiMarco says that's really the wrong question. What they need to be asking is, 
“What is a virgin?” 

Hayley: I don't like to draw lines. A lot of kids just want to know: "Draw the line for me. 
Just tell me, ‘Here it is’." The trouble with drawing a line is that they tend to fall over it 
very easily because they didn't decide, in their heads, "This is how far I'm going to go," 
or, "This is what constitutes virginity." 

But I think that a virgin is someone that doesn't allow her body to become sexual 
temptation or to become an object of lust to her boyfriend. 

Somebody needs to tell Mrs. Dimarco what a virgin is. The dictionary is pretty clear. A virgin is someone who has not engaged in sexual intercourse. That's it. We don't need to redefine it and and we certainly don't need to heap shame upon girls whose boyfriends might find them sexually attractive. Also, Mrs. Dimarco, children need definitive boundaries and lines. And they definitely need honest answers, not your made up definition of what you "think" something is. 

So, I sit back, sip on my coke and continue to drive on, waiting to hear what other pearls of information this young, inexperienced mother has to give to me. 

Hayley: ...There was recently a study done by Yale and Columbia 
Universities that stated that girls that sign up to these pledges you're talking about—
abstinence pledges—agree to stay pure until they're married are contracting STDs at 
the same rate as girls that haven't signed the pledge. So, there's something wrong. 
I agree with True Love Waits and all those pledges—I think they're fantastic—but we're 
missing—somewhere along the line, whoever is communicating it to the girls is missing 
the mark of what, as you say, innocence really is. 

I agree, there is something wrong, and that something wrong is that parents aren't talking frankly to their children about sex and STI's. It's an all or nothing policy that is damaging a whole generation of young men and women. At least she at least acknowledges that studies are showing that abstinence pledges aren't working the way parents are wanting them to.

Hayley: A technical virgin would be somebody who believes that anything, short of 
intercourse, does not count against her virginity. She thinks if she does any kind of 
fooling around—oral sex is a very big issue—a very big, big, big problem—even in the 
Christian church. I know that word is not even popular. It's hard to say in a lot of media 
outlets, but it has to be said because parents don't understand that it's happening to 
their kids. It's happening in 8th
 grade. It's happening in high school, and it's happening 
because we're afraid to say the word. We're afraid to talk about it. So, our girls are just 
assuming that what the world says—"Yes, that's like a hug. It's no different. It's not 
intimate. No problem. Don't worry about it,"—they're buying that line. 

Here's an idea, don't be afraid to say the words, Oral Sex. There, I said it. Oral sex. Oral sex. Oral sex, oral sex, oral sex. Parents, say the words, give the information. Oral sex, it's not like a hug, it's better than a hug, and it's a bigger commitment than a hug, and you can get STI's from oral sex. There ya go, easy.

Hayley: Yes, pediatricians are being warned—that if they have girls coming in that are 
showing signs of being sexually-active or being intimate with their boyfriends—that they 
should be sent to counseling for depression. Sexual activity—and even just—they say 
even relationships, when they're young girls—leads to depression. 

Yes, she said that. She lied. There is no such warning that I could find on the american academy of pediatrics website. I have never head anyone say that their daughter was sent to a counselor for depression just because they had become sexually active. What is common is for a pediatrician to counsel the sexually active teen on birth control options and STI's. That's it. The only thing I could find that she might be referring to with her assertion that sexual activity leads to depression is this: link-between-sexual-promiscuity-and-depression-in-teens Notice it is sexual promiscuity, multiple casual sex partners, not simply being sexually active. The lowest rates of depression are found in abstinent teens, that is true and why abstinence in teens is the gold standard used. However as those of us who have been in relationships can attest, if you break up with or have difficulties in your current romantic relationship, you may go through short periods of depression. That's not abnormal, it's normal. Its also part of growing up. Also, notice how she only mentions that if it is girls coming in, they need counseling. There is no mention of boys needing counselling. Again, a prime example of girls being at fault or damaged by simply having sex.

So now, on to "prosti-tots". No, I didn't make that up. Here she is talking about how important it is to talk to your kids about sex, which I agree, it is important.

Hayley: But, Dennis, the important thing is it's more than just "the talk." I think it has to 
start as soon as they're old enough to understand that their body is different—even that 
it's separate from the mom—you know, that when they're starting to pick out their own 
styles and their own fashions. If we don't start to talk about what little girls' bodies do—
you see a lot of little girls that—well, what we call them is "prosti-tots." They're dressing 
them very sexually because: “Well, they're little girls. They can wear little miniskirts and 
little tank tops.” That is just starting the conversation, silently—that this is okay and that 
you can use your sexuality to attract people. 

Oh those little tramps, those little prosti-tots, using their sexuality to attract people.

Oh, so sexy? At least the little tramp in the top has a sweater on to hide those sinful, lust inspiring shoulders, but my eyes! Agog are my eyes are at her knees! No, no knees on a little girl! She is using her sexuality to attract me, sinful child! Look at what they are using their bodies to do!

Obviously, I am joking. No sane person looks at a toddler in any state of dress and thinks about them sexually. This overt blaming of women, from toddler years and beyond, for anyone having sexual thoughts about them, is pervasive within the church and needs to stop. If you look at any toddler wearing a short skirt or tank top and think that they are sinful or trying to sexually attract you, you need to seriously examine your own heart and mind. Now just scroll back up and enjoy how absolutely adorable, gorgeous, and innocent those little darlings are!

However, it's ok for the author to violate her own sense of modesty for the sake of selling a book! Oh yay, I love loopholes like that! What's good for you doesn't apply to me!

Bob: Okay, I have to stop you right here because I'm looking at the cover of Technical 
Hayley: Yes.   
Bob: This is somewhat provocative right here; right? 
Hayley: Well, one might say—that one and Sexy Girls as well. 
Dennis: No, no, no, no: “one might say”—one would say. [Laughter] I mean, it's the way 
they dress today. 
Hayley: It is the way they dress today. That's the reason all the covers that you'll see 
coming out of Hungry Planet are designed so that the girl—that's dressing like that—will 
pick it up and say, "Oh, that's a cute top." 
Bob: You're being intentionally provocative with this. 
Hayley: That's exactly right. I want them to read these books. There are a lot of books 
out there on immodesty and sexual purity—that are being bought by parents with good 
intentions—they bring them home / they give them to their kids. I talk to those kids—
those books are under their bed. They're not being opened because they look like 
parental propaganda. 
Our books don't look like parental propaganda. They look like something they might, 
you know, see at one of the stores where they shop. We want to make sure that we 
connect with the teenagers so they'll read it because, if they don't read it, they're not 
going to get the message.

Alright, so their books don't "look like parental propaganda". And yet, they are. So, again it's ok to be dishonest? I must also be missing something because I don't see the provocativeness in this cover.I suppose it's the inch of abdomen that is showing? So I looked up Sexy Girls, the other book she wrote and references.

This one is more provocative because there is more flesh showing, but hey, that's ok because Mrs. DiMarco needs to sell her book and tell you what a tramp the girl on the cover is!

The conversation goes on, with the quote from the beginning about what her definition of virginity is. Then, it takes this turn...

Hayley: I want them to understand God's Word, when it comes to sexuality and sin. 
Jesus tells us that if a man even thinks about a woman lustfully, he's already committed 
adultery with her. Okay, so what responsibility does the girl have in that problem—in 
that temptation?  
I think that—when you have a boyfriend and you are fooling around with him—if you're 
doing something that's causing him to think about sex—which, keep in mind, that boys 
think differently—and this is what I'd want her to know. This is, obviously, still, a very 
long conversation—that she has to understand that guys think differently and they're 
very sexual beings.  
Bob: Yes.  
Hayley: So their minds—even if they see skin—their minds can immediately go to 
sex—but if you're fooling around with them, that is preparation for sexuality—which 
means that he, in his mind, could be, potentially, having sex. I would want her to back it 
up and really realize that it starts in your mind. 

Here's the scriptures that she is referencing: Matthew 5:27-30 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. Notice this, there is no blame put on the woman for the man's thoughts in this passage. Also, it says adultery, which is to tell us that this man is looking at someone's wife and lusting after her. We can presume that the woman in this fictitious scenario is married because of that word alone. And, if the man has these thoughts, he is to make changes (extreme changes granted, and please don't go gouging your eyes out fellas) to keep himself from sinning. See, he has to make the changes, not the woman.

The other difficulty I have with the above conversation is the presumption that if boys see skin, their minds immediately go to sex. That's just not true either and is highly insulting to boys and men. Yes, men are wired differently and they are very visual creatures, but that does not mean that the instant that they see skin they are thinking of sex. The other thing that she says is that in his mind he is potentially having sex with the girl if they are fooling around. That could be, or it could not be. No matter if it is or isn't true, he isn't actually having sex with her and the girl is not responsible for his thought life, that's on him.

Next topic, Danger signs!

Hayley: ...But almost every day, when I get dressed, I say: "Okay, can you see anything? Is there 
anything that is a danger sign?"  
You know, just a little example—when your top is a little bit low—where you can't see 
any cleavage but, when you bend over, you can see something—I discovered 
something that's fantastic—toupee tape.  
Bob: Oh, really?  
Hayley: Yes, you just stick it on the back of your t-shirt or your tank top—stick it to 
yourself—then, when you bend over—nothing.  
Bob: Now, you know, some people will hear that; and they'll go, "Okay, you're just 
psycho on this deal"; right?  
Hayley: They might do that; but, Michael, you might—all of you can probably speak to 
what a stolen glance can do to a man.  
Bob: That's the point. I don't think you're psycho. I wish more people would get psycho; 
you know? [Laughter] 
Lovely, Bob wants us ladies to be more "psycho" to prevent him and other men from having "stolen glances". If she wants to go to such lengths to protect the rest of us from the danger that is her cleavage more power to her, however, I find it incredibly sad that she takes on the sole responsibility for how men perceive her. 

Hayley: Right, yes. Well, you know, we have a tendency to be very self-absorbed: 
"Well, I want to wear this. This is cool," or I mean, you know, “…not so hot. I'm 
comfortable.” We spend so much time thinking about ourselves—we think, "Well, men 
should just be able to control themselves. That is ungodly.” 
We are not called to just be self-focused, but to care more about the sin that we could 
be imposing upon our brothers. God’s Word says everything is permissible, but not 
everything is beneficial. 
Bob: Right.
Hayley: If what you’re doing is not benefiting others, then you might even be able to 
take the leap and say it’s sinful.

No, I am not able to make that leap. That isn't Biblical and it's more than a little bit ridiculous. What I do agree with is that, on the whole, we should not be so self absorbed. In fact, don't be so self absorbed that you believe that your body holds this amount of power over another human being. That's rank with pride.

Hayley:...the trouble is—every guy—cute and gross, from 13 to 80—is looking at you and
having fantasies, potentially, about you. Your grandfather and all his friends might be 
just checking out your chest—it's not just the young guy. When you start to think about 
all those "Ooooh" moments, it really helps you understand, "Oh, I don't want anybody 
thinking about that."

So here we are again, blaming the girl's way of dressing as making her a sexual target and painting all men as potential perverts. This is a part of rape culture that is so pervasive in the church. Every guy is painted as an oogling perv. Every guy, even your grandfather and all of his friends are potentially checking out your chest. But it's all the girl's responsibility, she has to dress more modestly. How does she come to this conclusion? A bit earlier she made mention of when she was first a young, on fire for God Christian, and another younger woman came up to her and showed her Ephesians 5:3 "But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality..." and helped her to dress more appropriately so that she would not be a temptation for others. I can't tell you how sad that makes me that another woman heaped shame upon her, making her think that how she dressed would show a hint of sexual immorality. 

We need to change this way of thinking, we have to speak out on this, and tell our girls that they are not responsible for how men think. Men are responsible for how they think. Teach your sons to respect women, to not see them as sexual objects, regardless of how they dress or don't dress. A girl's worth is in her heart, in how she treats her fellow man (and woman), not in whether or not she bares some cleavage or shows her legs above her knees. 

It's ok to acknowledge that straight boys are visual and appreciate a woman's beauty, curves, and the female form and not make it out to be a sinful thing. It can be ok to acknowledge that girls have curves, beauty, and that they will be sexually attractive to others without being afraid of that. These are the things that we should be teaching our children, ideas that are empowering for both genders. Stop the shame, stop the blame.